Church Lunch


It all started the fall of 2014…


We want to invite you to join us for a home cooked meal for Southwestern students every Monday from 11:00am - 2:00pm. It is come and go to help fit your schedule.

Lunch is held at Crestview Baptist Church, but there is absolutely no cost, no program, no pressure and no obligation whatsoever.  It is simply our way of expressing God’s love for you and supporting the students of Southwestern by providing a little taste of home. The address is 2300 Williams Drive in Georgetown.

The vision was to ensure that students felt welcome in Georgetown by providing them a relaxed and welcoming environment that let them know they are loved.

“Monday Lunch” as it was initially named (clever huh?) quickly became referred to as “Church Lunch” by the students, and now to most it is simply “Chunch”.  Whatever you call it the founding principles have not changed:

  • We accept you as you are

  • We love you unconditionally

  • We serve you well and with a home-cooked meal

Come join us. We would love to serve you and get to know you.